Prof. Dr. Uşun Tükel

Style of Art : Academic / art historian
Branch of Art : Art History: modern art, iconography, visual semiotics
Art Profile :

Prof. Dr. Uşun Tükel was born in Istanbul in 1960. He graduated from the Department of Art History in the Faculty of Letters at Istanbul University in 1982. He completed his Master′s (1984) and doctoral degree (1990) in Art History at the same university. Since 2006 he has taught art history at his alma mater. He has participated in many national and international conferences and symposiums to present his papers. He has published numerous articles and four books. Prof. Tükel is a member of AICA (Association Internationale des Critiques d′Art) in Turkey. In 2011 he received an honorary award in the TÜYAP Artist Art Fair. Prof. Dr. Tükel currently continues his work at Istanbul University.

Sözden İmgeye. Batı Sanatında İkonografi (with S. Y. Arsal).  Istanbul: Kabalcı Yayınevi, Şubat 2014.
Resmin Dili. İkonografiden Göstergebilime. Istanbul: Homer bookhouse, 2005.
Arkeoloji ve Sanat Tarihi Araştırmaları. Yıldız Demiriz’e Armağan (ed. Uşun Tükel and M. B. Tanman). Istanbul: Simurg publications, 2001.
E. H. Gombrich: Resimde Anlam Sorunu. Istanbul: Kabalcı publications, 1995.

Selected articles:
-“Atmeydanı’nda Bir Şenliğin Gösterimi: Klasik Dönem Osmanlı Minyatürünün Resim Dili / The Representation of a Festivity in Atmeydanı: The Pictorial Language of Classical Age Ottoman Miniatures.” in Hippodrom/Atmeydanı (Ed. E. Işın), Istanbul: Pera Museum Publications, 2010, s.96-110.
- “Görsel Kent Söyleminin Parametresi Olarak Gökdelen” (with Prof. Dr. N. Öztokat), in Cultures du Visible. 8ème Congrès de l’AISV-IAVS: Papers, Istanbul: İstanbul Kültür Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2007, vol. I, s. 563-570.
- “Le réel et l’imaginaire: Une approche sémiotique de la Biennale de Venise 2003." (with Doç. Dr. N. Öztokat) In Les Signes du Monde. Interculturalité & Globalisation (Forme de DVD). Lyon: Université Lumiére Lyon 2, 2005.
- “Le dit et l’interdit: une lecture sémiotique de la Biennale de Venise 2003.” (with Doç. Dr. N. Öztokat) In Les Signes du Monde. Interculturalité & Globalisation (Forme de DVD). Lyon: Université Lumiére Lyon 2, 2005.
- “Une approche sémiotique de la peinture moderne turque: la mort et le sacrifice mis en oeuvre par B. N. İslimyeli,” In Synergies Turquie, numéro 2/année 2009, Revue de Gerflint, Décembre 2009, s. 23-32.
- “L’Occident vue de l’Orient/L’Orient vue de l’Occident. Reflexions autour de Mon nom est Rouge” (with N. Oztokat), In Synergies Turquie, numéro 1/année 2008, Revue de Gerflint, Avril 2008, s. 129-134.
- “Le parcours du signe visuel entre le passé et le présent: une étude de deux tableux d’Islimyeli,” In Visio, Vol. 10, N. 9-10, 2005.
- “La Sémiotique descriptive et l’étude du visuel” (with N. Öztokat), In Recontres sémiotiques: les interfaces disciplinaires, des théories aux pratiques professionelles. Colloque international Sémio 2007 (Résumés des communications et coordonnées), Paris 15 – 17 novembre 2007, Paris-Descartes, Les Cordeliers et Sorbonne, Durkheim, 2007, p.58.


Foundation : Istanbul University
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City : Istanbul
Country : Turkey
Phone : 0212. 455 57 00 / (15732)
Preferred Lang. : Turkish / English
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