Mehmet Başaran

Style of Art : Poet
Branch of Art : Poetry
Art Profile :

Mehmet Başaran was born in Kırklareli in 1926. He graduated from Kepirtepe Village Institute in 1943 and from Hasanoğlan Village Institute in 1946. After his military service, Başaran taught at several institutions and primary schools. After retiring from teaching at Tahran High School in 1969, Başaran worked for establishment of the Union of Turkish Teachers. He was a board member of the Union of Turkish Teachers (TÖS) and TYS. He worked at the Yurt Encyclopedia for three years.

Başaran published his poem for the first time in Köy Enstitüleri magazine. After then he published his poems in various magazines such as Adam Sanat, Gösteri, Kıyı, Varlık, Yansıma, Yazko Edebiyat, Yeditepe, Yeni Biçem, Yeni Ufuklar and Yücel. He published 14 poetry books including Yüreğinin Sesi Zeytin Ülkesi (2007) and Eylülün Kızgın Soluğu (2007). He also published ten books for children including Çiçeklerin Dili (1992), Yağmur Gelini (1975) and Kuş Dili (1968). He received seven awards such as an achievement award in the TRT Art Awards Competition (1970), Orhan Kemal Novel Prize (1979), Sabahattin Ali Culture Days Honorary Award (1993), Rıfat Ilgaz Honorary Award (1996), and Troy Award for Culture, Art and Literature (1998). Başaran passed away in Istanbul in 2015.

Selected poetry books:
Yüreğinin Sesi Zeytin Ülkesi (Istanbul: Cumhuriyet Kitapları, 2007)
Eylülün Kızgın Soluğu (Istanbul: Cumhuriyet Kitapları, 2007)
Kuşatılmış Yaşam Günaydın Aşk (Istanbul: Cumhuriyet Kitapları, 2006)
Köy Enstitüleri Özgürleşme Eylemi 3. Baskı (Istanbul: Cumhuriyet Kitapları, 2003)
Yasaklı - Acının ve Sevginin Yurttaşı 2. baskı (Istanbul: Cumhuriyet Kitapları, 2003)
Sis Dağı′nın Başında Borana Bak Borana (1990)
Günler Tuz Rengi (1986)
Günler Tuz Rengi (1986)
Meşe Seli (1982)
Gök Ekin (1975)
Pıtraklı Memleket (1969)
Kocakent (1963)
Nisan Haritasi (1960)
Karşılama (1958)
Ahlat Ağacı (1953)


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