Sumru Yavrucuk

Style of Art : Actress
Branch of Art : Theatre, film, TV series
Art Profile :

Sumru Yavrucuk was born in Ankara in 1961. She studied at the Department of Singing and Theatre of the Istanbul Municipality Conservatory, then transferred to the Ankara State Conservatory. In 1982, Yavrucuk started working as an actress at the Istanbul State Theatre. Since then, she has acted in numerous plays including "Bahar Noktası", "Fay Hattı", "Leenane′in Güzellik Kraliçesi", "Yalnız Kadın", "Kadınlardan Konuşalım", "Kırmızı Pabuçlar", "Olmayan Kadın", "Yaşar Ne Yaşar Ne Yaşamaz", "Gılgameş", "Yedi Kocalı Hürmüz", "Tohum ve Toprak", "Abdülcambaz" and several of Macbeth′s works. In 1988, Yavrucuk started acting in the TV series "Önce Canan." She has performed in many TV series such as "Yabancı Damat", "Sevgili Dünürüm", and "Fatmagül’ün Suçu Ne." Yavrucuk has received many awards for her roles in theatres, TV series, and films.

1984, "promising Actress" award
1985, Barcelona World II. Pantomime Festival, the "Best Director"
1986, Turkish Deaf and Dumb Mime Festival, the "Best Director"
1988-1994-1997, Avni Dilligil Awards the "Best Actress"
1991, Altın Portakal Award
1992, Altın Koza Award
1997, 1. Afife Theatre Awards, the "Most Successful Actress - Musical / Comedy"
2001, 5. Afife Theatre Awards, the "Best Actress of the Year"
2001, Communication Faculties Top Awards, the "Best Theatre Actress"
2012-2013, Association of Theatre Critics Awards, the "Best Actress of the Year"
2013, 18. Sadri Alışık Theatre and Cinema Acting Awards, the "Best Actress of the Year"


City : Istanbul
Country : Turkey
Preferred Lang. : Turkish / English
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