Gülgün Seyyare Önbıçak

Style of Art : Master craftsman /embroiderer
Branch of Art : embroidery works
Art Profile :

Gülgün Seyyare Önbıçak was born in Aydın in 1964. She finished vocational high school. She has made embroidery works and other handicrafts for 26 years. In the last 4 years, she has taught embroidery as a master craftsman at the National Education Center. She received a letter of commendation from the administrative district of Izmir-Urla in 2005. She participated in the television programs to introduce traditional Turkish embroidery works such as tel sarma (embroidered with wrapped flat strip of metal around silk) and tel kırma (embroidered with flat strip of metal). She organized many educational activities and exhibitions at several education centers in Izmir province.

Email : gulgun_onbicak@hotmail.com
City : Izmir
Country : Turkey
Phone : 0232. 243 20 46/ 0536. 422 29 14
Preferred Lang. : Turkish
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