Mehmet Özdeveci

Style of Art : Master craftsman / copper worker
Branch of Art : Copper works
Art Profile :

Mehmet Özdeveci was born in Afyonkarahisar province, the district of Emirdağ in 1943. After finishing Yunus Emre primary school in 1967, he worked as a primary school teacher and served as a manager. In 1983 he was appointed to be a painting teacher at Konya Mevlana primary school. He then retired in 1994. Since his childhood, Özdeveci has made copper relief works and developed his skill. As of today, he continues his work at his own workshop.

City : Afyonkarahisar
Country : Turkey
Phone : 0272. 442 70 08 / 0537. 204 40 77
Preferred Lang. : Turkish
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