İhsan Şurdum

Style of Art : Artist / painter
Branch of Art : Painting
Art Profile :

İhsan Şurdum was born in Konya in 1930. He entered the Academy of Fine Arts in 1947 and graduated from the Painting Department, Bedri Rahmi Workshop in 1955. In 1956, Şurdum went to France and returned to Turkey in 1961. In 1963, he established Balıkesir State Fine Arts Gallery. He started serving in the Istanbul Museum of Painting and Sculpture in 1965. In 1967, he received a scholarship from the Italian Government and worked at the Roman Center, Institute of Restoration. Since 1949, Şurdum has participated in numerous group exhibitions. He had his first solo exhibition in 1975, followed by many others in Turkey. In 1976, he won an award of merit at a state exhibition. In 1978, Şurdum was invited to Belgium by the Belgium government. In 1982, he founded a restoration workshop at Mimar Sinan University. His works can be seen in many museums in Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir. Currently, Şurdum lives and paints in Kadıköy, Istanbul.

Reference: tr.wikipedia.org, circassiancenter.com

City : Istanbul
Country : Turkey
Preferred Lang. : Turkish
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